It was a very pleasant experience working with the team as everyone put in their best effort to bring out the best experience for the Overseas Youth and everyone that signed up for the programme. From being strangers to being comfortable enough to crack jokes at each other, we bonded through a series of planning/meetings during the preparation phase. Before the actual programme, everyone became accustomed to showing themselves and talking through virtual means.

One of my most memorable events was to plan and brainstorm for unique ways to present the Deepavali festival to our overseas partner. Together with the team, we came up with a skit to show the Overseas Youth about how one would celebrate Deepavali in Singapore. While researching and planning for the activities, I have learnt many traditions about Deepavali that I previously did not know about. Other than Deepavali, we wanted to present the diversity of Singapore, which is why we also shared other festivals that are celebrated by different ethnic groups in Singapore.

On top of planning for the programmes, I was part of the team to share about Singlish as requested by the Filipino Youths. I am glad that the Filipino Youths enjoyed the session and took away some Singlish phrases. I am also thankful for the Filipino youths for sharing with us about Iloilo and teaching us about the Hiligaynon language.

Amidst the COVID-19 situation, I am glad to still be able to help and serve through virtual means. It was a good wholesome 5 days of sharing, and activities from all the participants. It was great to be able to leverage on technology to enable youths to continue volunteering without boundaries. I hope everyone continues to come up with innovative ideas to create positive impacts regardless of the difficulties and challenges.

*Youth Expedition Project Goes Online (YEP-GO) is a platform for youths to continue volunteering with overseas communities without travel.